Google Ads made Simple: A step by step guide

Google Ads
Google Ads

Advertising your business to the world is not just something you should be doing but it is something you need to be doing. We live in a time and age where we are facing tough competition from local and international players. The only way to combat this cut-throat competition is to advertise your products and services.

What is Google Ads?

Google, the number one search engine in the world, launched a service offering called “Google AdWords” (now renamed as Google Ads) to assist companies to advertise on the internet.

Now the question is where should you be advertising? Traditional advertising is great but it still has its limitations. So why not use the power of the internet to advertise and reach billions across the globe. In this blog, as a digital marketing company, we will discuss the world’s largest digital advertising platform “Google Ads”. Google Ads can assist you in achieving all your marketing goals with a simple click!

Google Ads allows you to advertise in the form of text ads, videos, product and service listings. It also allows you to advertise an app you may have developed. Google ads have different ad formats for different ad needs. Thanks to all these customizations, Google Ads has grown tremendously over the last few years.

Google Ads has an edge over traditional advertising, in the form of targeting. When you advertise on TV or radio or even newspapers, you do not get to choose who will see your ad. When you put out an ad, anyone who may or may not be your target audience will see your ad.

This leads to lower ROI on your ad spend. But in case of Google Ads, a digital marketing service in Pune notes that you can choose your target audience. Google ensures that your ad is visible only to the target audience. This makes advertising on Google Ads more effective.

How to Use Google Ads?

Google Ads has been created in such a way that it is easy to use and easy to understand. Google Ads simplifies advertising on the world wide web.

As a digital marketing company in Pune, we would like to outline the steps in creating a Google Ads campaign for your business.

Here is the process of creating a Google Ad into simple steps:

  • Create a Google Ads account. Go to the Google Ads homepage and sign up using your Gmail account details.
  • Create a “New Campaign” for your company.
  • In this campaign you have to select what type of ad you want to place:

1. Search
2. Display
3. Video
4. Shopping
5. Mobile App Install
6. Smart Ad

  • First you need to specify the type of ad which you want to run then, you can then move on to your campaign goals. Now, please understand that your campaign goals are unique not only to your company but also to this particular campaign!
  • Take a call on what your campaign goal is based on the end result you wish to achieve through this campaign. Is it more traffic to your website? Is it more sales? Is its general brand awareness? Or is it lead generation? Make a choice based on your ultimate aim if necessary, take help from SEO Answer UK Blog.
  • Based on the goal that you choose; Google Ads will guide you further and help you break down your goal into actionable parts.
  • Suppose we choose the Search campaign and the goal is to Increase Website Traffic. Then the next thing we need to do is give details about our website i.e. the URL.
  • After that, we can choose the network i.e. should it be only on the SERP or also on the GDN.
  • The crucial part comes up next, namely, targeting and audience. Targeting is geographical, language-based, age-wise, income-wise, relationship status wise, affinity wise and so on and so forth. A digital marketing company in Pune might be able to give you a better idea on how best to target your ad. This is an essential step and the crux of any ad campaign. If you happen to target the wrong demographic then a lot of your moolah is down the drain and you have nothing to show for it!
  • You can then enter your budget per day for the campaign. Therefore, be careful not to enter the entire campaign budget there! Don’t forget to specify the duration of the campaign.
  • Next part is the bidding for the ad. There are various types of bids that Google Ads offer:

1. Cost Per Click (this is the most common one)
2.Cost Per Conversion (this is action based e.g.: app install)
3. Cost Per Conversion Value (this is a customizable option where the advertiser can define the conversion value e.g.: addition to magazine’s subscription list)
4. Cost Per Impression share (this is based on the number of people who come across the ad)

  • Choose the bidding option according to your campaign strategy. It may be a little difficult to get a grip on the bidding amount, strategy and cost analysis as a beginner. It is therefore advisable to approach a professional digital marketing service in Pune to formulate these plans for you.
  • You can then continue to add site link extensions, callout extensions, and call extensions.
  • Proceed further and create the actual Ad! What should be the header? What should be your text? What is your call to action? Think carefully and put all of these up. Make sure that there are no grammatical errors or random capitalizations in the Ad. Make it a simple, clean and eye-catching ad.
  • Finally, punch in your credit card details and viola your ad is ready to run!
  • But just because you placed an ad through Google Ads does not guarantee you the top spot on the SERP. Google gives you a Quality Score which determines the ultimate position of your ad on the page.

Following are the determining factors of a Quality Score:

  • The Click-Through Rate
  • The quality of the landing page and the user experience on the landing page
  • Ad-text relevance
  • Keyword relevance
  • Historic performance of your company

On the basis of this Quality Score and bidding amount given by you Google decides where your ad will be displayed. Digital marketing agency in Pune advises its clients to create a user friendly and relevant landing page, because this ultimately leads to a better Google Ad Rank.

Another corollary of this Quality Score algorithm is that if you have a good Quality Score then you will have to pay less for the same ad as compared to someone whose Quality Score is lower than yours! We hope this blog has helped you in setting up your Google Ads account and getting started with your campaign.

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