9 AI Interview Questions to Prepare 2025

Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions
image credit: edureka

Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions

Q1. What is Artificial Intelligence? Share some light on different levels of AI? 

A1. Artificial intelligence uses computer skills and leverage to solve problems and have decision-making skills like humans. It performs actions and tasks of intelligent beings using rational computer leverages. 

Q2. Explain the kind of machine learning. Explain the distinction between AGI and ASI as well.

A2. Its types are:

  • Reactive Machines: This is the basic form of Artificial Intelligence. It can’t perform past information for future actions.
  • Limited Memory: When the AI system uses data from the past and draws a conclusion on its future action, it is called limited memory. Today, while designing an autopilot car, this type of AI mechanism is applicable.
  • Theory of Mind: Such AI systems are built on understanding the psychology of humans in the form of their thoughts, beliefs, and the way they interact with others.
  • Self-awareness: Such AI is just a replica of a human being who is self-aware and has the expertise and the necessary skill set to carry out the task 

Q3. Explain Artificial Neural Network with its uses. 

A3. Neural Networks are a set of input, hidden, and outer layers that try to recognize the data’s patterns and information, which is inspired by the human brain. Various Uses of ANN are:

  • Facial Recognition 
  • Stock Market Analysis 
  • Healthcare Infrastructure
  • Hardware Segregation
  • Aeronautics

Q4. Share some insights on the use of AI in Digital Marketing.

A4. Latest statistics state that AI can boost business by more than 30%. AI marketing uses intelligence technologies to collect information, analyze customer insights and make decisions that enhance marketing efforts.

Using AI in marketing is giving the upper hand to users. For example – Email Marketing is none other than an AI used for marketing. Customers are sent emails about new products, offers, or ventures. Another example is Pay Per click. 

Q5. Elaborate Natural Language Processing?

A5. Computers’ ability to understand and reciprocate human languages in their oral and written form is known as Natural Language Processing. NLP has been, therefore, for more than 40 years now.

Like humans have senses, computers have a language of understanding and a microphone to record. The two essential and simultaneous steps for Natural Language Processing are Data Processing and Algorithm Development. 

Q6. What is the Machine Learning process?

A6. Its process is:

  • Data

The initial stage is data collection. You can use internet services such as Kroggle for retrieving data. 

  • Data Processing

It involves cleaning, preparation, and manipulation of data. The process is a critical step, and the amount of time spent is 80% of the process. The core step is to organize the unorganized data. 

  • Connection 

It involves connecting the data to the algorithm. Here is where the magic happens. It involves developing mathematical modelling for predictions. There are three categories – Binary, Classification, and Regression. 

  • Test Model 

In this step, your algorithms and data are tested. To improve accuracy, you should review the data, reconsider the data and adjust the data for better performance. 

  • Making Predictions

The final step in machine learning is making predictions. Your model should give rational answers according to the problems stated. 8t should gain independence from human skills and behavior. 

Q7. What are Intelligent agents?

A7. The agents who provide AI to do some specific predictable and repetitive tasks are known as Intelligent Agents. It can learn during the process known as “Intelligent”.

It has two main functions: perception, which is done through sensors, and action, which is done through actuators. It has three main parts: Architecture, Agent Function, and Agent Program. 

Q8. List out limitations of Artificial Intelligence for marketing. 

A8. Its limitation is:

  • Availability of data

The data marketers often get unsolicited, poor, and unorganized. You should have a clear strategy to overcome this by sourcing the data that AI will require. 

  • Cost 

Business doesn’t know that AI has to be outsourced, and it is where the challenge of cost and maintenance steps in. It also includes computation cost, repairs, maintenance, etc. Training costs of data models are also additional expenses. 

  • Risk 

Software programs have a risk of losing data in upgrades or software malfunctioning. If the system is well and procuring, these risks can be mitigated.

  • Other limitations 

Customer privacy, Lack of transparency, Complexity 

Q9. Will AI Marketing take over traditional marketing?

A9. There is a high debate on whether AI marketing will replace marketing jobs. aI improves marketing due to the best algorithms and rational ways traditional marketing fails.

With the development of AI, significant industries such as E-Commerce, Metals are improving their stance on AI replacing traditional ways. But AI has come a long way, and it still has many drawbacks such as high cost, risk factors, transparency of data, and the threat of losing data.

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