What are the benefits of Digital Transformation?

Digital Transformation
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The recent digital transformation due to Covid-19 has made everyone realize that comfort zones can be a pleasant space to stay in, but it is until one realizes they have outgrown what is in front of them. In the same way, several companies are opting for digitizing their workspace from the traditional ways of working. 

Based on a survey, around 90% of the companies are experiencing a shift to the cloud for their business. Several fundamental changes in businesses are witnessed in how they conduct operations, and Digital transformation has become critical to the success of a business. 

So let’s look at the importance and benefits the business is reaping in various ways, for instance, through Digital Marketing.

What is the meaning of digital transformation, and why has it become so important in the time of digitalization? 

Digital transformation is the integration of the internet-based technologies and tools into a company’s processes. Through this, the companies have started working faster with the help of new ways, for instance, digital marketing, Cloud computing, etc.

Apart from that, digital transformation has brought about revolutionary changes across the businesses’ processes, systems, cultures, and workflow. Each level of the organization is affected effectively with the help of digital transformation and presents exemplary benefits to the business. 

What are the benefits offered by digital transformation?

Digital transformation offers its benefits in various forms, so we have presented a few of them that are as follows:

1. Enhancement in data collection: 

Most businesses aim to collect extensive customer data to drive their business forward, but the real task is analyzing and optimizing the data correctly to one’s benefit. So, digital transformation strives to create a system capable of incorporating and gathering the right data for higher-level business intelligence. 

The system creates a way through which real insights can be obtained by translating raw data across several touchpoints. A step further, the business can offer data privacy upon the data collected from the customers. A layer of SaaS data encryption can protect the sensitive flow of data in your customer relationship management (CRM) software. 

2. A stronger approach to resource management: 

Digital transformation integrates resources and information into a suite of tools used for business. This is offered by digital transformation rather than dispersed databases and software. 

It further reduces the vendor overlap and creates a central repository. Digital Transformation is capable of creating this central repository efficiently by integrating databases, applications, and software. It covers every area related to business to lead an efficient and innovative process across various units. 

However, it must be considered that the data should be secured and optimized everywhere it flows, whether it is about finance, sales, or digital marketing. It is done conveniently through teams equipped with tools that are easy to use for getting their jobs done. 

3. Customer insights that are driven by data: 

The collected data by the business regarding the customers is the best way to unlock customer insights. One can create a better business strategy through the understanding derived from customers and their needs. 

It can be done by collecting unstructured data such as social media metrics through digital marketing and structured data, i.e; customers’ personal information. It benefits the growth of business and enables the formation of strategies that are more and more personalized, relevant, and agile. 

4. Creating a better experience for the customers

Digital transformation not only houses various benefits for the business teams with various efficiencies but also provides a more intuitive and seamless experience to your customers. It spans a variety of ways through strategic digital marketing, communications to user portals, email, and digital products. 

Several customers join their expectations with the digital experience provided by the business. These are seen in low prices, endless choices, and faster delivery. 

The customer experience (CX) is emerging as the new battleground for all the brands, so many are strengthening their digital marketing skills. Apart from that, some of the ways that can make your business stand as unique are by conveying to the customers that 

  • You value their privacy.
  • They can have control over the way the data is used and collected.
  • Empowering them by granting them autonomy for making decisions around their data.

5. Motivates digital culture through improved collaboration

Digital transformation further leads to a digital culture. Businesses can attain digital culture by tailoring their environment and providing the right tools to the employees. These tools offer a seamless way to collaborate and help the organization move digitally ahead. This shift to a digital culture is crucial for sustainability, digital learning, and team upskilling. 

6. Improvisation in productivity:

The workflow is streamlined, and productivity is improved by using the right tech tools. Through the process of automating the integrated data and manual tasks, one can empower the team members to work more efficiently. 

Digital transformation has been successful in redefining the operation of companies. It is possible through improved customer experience, better data collection, digital marketing, increased profitability, etc.

Letting your business step out of the traditional way of working can lead it towards potential growth through a digital transformation! Digital transformation has revolutionized how a business works and helps them reach its ultimate goal of enhancing the experience of customers. 

The need for the digital transformation of a business is visible in the fact that 70%-80% of people today search for a business website before visiting or making a purchase.

But, a company can lose 70%-80 % of potential clients due to the non-availability of their business website. It is a fact that technology is not an option, but it is a necessity for businesses to ensure their survival in this competitive world.

The dependence on the digital world is not due to the pandemic hit.

Even before the pandemic hit, the need for a digital presence for a company was on the rise. The pandemic hit gave acceleration to this transformation.

Due to such reasons, today, more and more businesses are investing in their digital transformation and digital marketing practices. However, some small businesses still hesitate to invest in digital transformation.

But, the benefits of digital marketing for a business are way more than its cost. 

10 Reasons for Investing in Digital Marketing Transformation

Here are some reasons that show that digital transformation is necessary for a business:

1.Efficient Resource Management

Digital technologies help businesses to consolidate information and resources in a single place with the help of software tools.

It leads to efficient resource management as these software tools can be integrated with applications, databases, or other software so that employees can access the information in one centralized document.

From the details of the suppliers to the contacts, the businesses can store all the information in software like CRM that allows efficient use of resources.

2. Efficiency and Productivity among Workers

Digital technologies help businesses collect data in a central place that increases the efficiency and productivity of workers.

Employees can analyze all the information from a single place leading to efficient use of time and effort. In addition, using automation helps eliminate the duplication of efforts and repetitive tasks.

It ultimately helps the employees to focus on the main goals rather than working on tasks again and again.

3. Better Customer Engagement

Delivering the best customer experience through an offline medium can be difficult for a business. Due to this, offline businesses fail to keep their customers engaged and retained for a long time.

But, digital marketing strategies help businesses target each customer per their needs, supporting the customers engaged and encouraging them to make a purchase. With digital technologies like AI and data analysis, a business can analyze the customers’ interests and run targeted campaigns.

4. Increased sales and revenue

The rise of digital scope in the corporate world widens the targeted market for businesses, ultimately increasing the companies’ sales and revenue.

Digital technologies like AI, Data analysis, and Automation tools widen the customer base and generate qualified business leads, leading to high sales and increased revenue. It is so because each customer is nurtured efficiently, leading to better chances of converting a lead into a customer.

5. Adaptability to changes

A business operates in a dynamic environment, and every business needs to cope with these changes. In today’s time, digital transformation helps businesses to adapt and survive these changes.

It provides the agility for businesses to adapt to these changes and deliver value in the long run. The digital presence of a business makes it relevant to its industry.

6. New opportunities for businesses

The digital space in the world is increasing day by day and widens the opportunities for organizations. Digital marketing allows businesses to offer products and services that they may not provide through offline operations.

They can reach out and nurture every lead sitting far away from them. It helps them innovate and create new niches to widen the customer base.

7. Better Responsiveness

When a business works offline, it becomes difficult to respond to customer queries because of a lack of time, resources, and workers.

With digital marketing for the business, it becomes easier for their team to respond in real-time. The use of automation tools, responders, and Chatbots helps marketers to have better interaction with prospects and customers.

8. Better Business Relationships

A business can manage its relationships with vendors, suppliers, and consultants by adopting digital technologies like e-signature.

A firm can communicate with these people in real-time. The paperwork of a business can be replaced with digital documents that can be accessed anytime and anywhere.

9. Better Relations with customers

Digital marketing techniques help them respond to customers’ queries in less time and they can build a better relationship with the customers. In addition, the right products and services can also be offered to the customers after analyzing their interests and needs. It creates healthy and long-lasting relationships with customers.

10. Better customer insights

The most important benefit of adopting a digital marketing strategy by a business is that it can get data-driven customer insights that help nurture customers with the right strategy. Digital technologies offer structured and unstructured data that can be used to formulate strategies to drive business growth.

Every single company in today’s world has gone or is going through a very vital phenomenon of digital transformation. Operations of all business forms have been completely changed after the emergence of computers in the world, where at present, all business firms, in some sense, are dependent on computers. 

Since the world is dependent on tech in many forms, it becomes vital for a business firm to follow certain forms of digital skills to grow. This article will discuss essential skills like digital marketing your business needs to drive digital transformation.

9 Skills Your Business Needs to Drive Digital Transformation

1. Digital Literacy

To grow in today’s world, a company must have digitally literate and aware employees. It does not imply that all the employees need to be experts in coding and other computer-related technicalities. Still, they must be familiar with digital advancements and know how things work in the digital world. 

Now digital literacy is basically like knowing how sentences are formed and not how you can write a scholarly article. For instance, A person knowing how advanced tasks like the creation of paid ads work on social media is considered digitally literate. Similarly, an employee must be digitally literate and aware of how technology affects the business they work in. 

2. Data Security

Now with the advancement of the tech world, people and business firms are often at the risk of getting breached by cyberattacks which are digital crimes to cause harm to an individual or a business. Due to this, companies are often prone to data theft, which could be confidential and vital. Hence, a company needs to have strict data security measures and protection from any digital theft to avoid any sorts of loss a company may incur otherwise,

3. Data Analysis

Digital transformation brings a big chunk of usable data to the company, which can benefit them in many ways. Still, it may fail if the company cannot understand and reap the opportunity. Data can be well used to capitalize on a company’s strengths, and data can be analyzed to determine the weaknesses and even the market demands. 

For all this, a company needs to hire a well-skilled person who understands data, can interpret it, and formulate strategies based on data analysis. A company can benefit from such employees who are well experienced in analyzing data. Hence, Data analysis has become a big part of the business.

4. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is probably the most popular skill in the business world, which is nothing but a marketing strategy to attract people through digital sources. As important as traditional marketing techniques involving billboards, television and radio are, marketing through social media is equally important, known as digital marketing. A company needs a well-trained digital market expert team to plan appropriate strategies to sell the product or service through digital media.

5. Software Development

Software development is a skill that has been rising for the last few years and has gripped the market well. Software development operations require a good handset of coders and programmers responsible for developing your company’s website, application software, or even the digital product or service you sell. 

Besides creating the software or digital product, they are responsible for its appropriate functioning. It is a skill set of collaboration where a complete team works together on designing and creating the company’s software.

6. Artificial Intelligence

Nowadays, automation has become even more vital for a company to grow, which plays out to be a key factor for quick work. Using AI tends to reduce the time, effort, and cost of many operations performed manually in the company. 

AI has affected almost every industry globally, including manufacturing, retail, customer service, etc. Hence, your company requires a great group of employees highly skilled in artificial intelligence, Robotics, and Machine learning. 

7. Blockchain

This coming-of-age technology can be revolutionizing the market in terms of money. Digital currencies have started to grip the world economy slowly and steadily, already seeking to change how money behaves where it could eradicate the need for paper money and even converge the world with a single form of money. 

Blockchain is the technology used to track multi-step transactions to make them more secure and transparent. This technology has a high scope in the future, so companies should start thinking about hiring blockchain experts beforehand as time passes. 

8. Enterprise Mobility Management

A business has to evolve with the evolving time. Enterprises can not keep working on the same traditional method as an evolution of 50 years. The technological advancement has to be cooped with by the company as they emerge. A business must keep amending the policies they follow to keep an enterprise’s mobility well. 

9. Leadership Quality

A business does not need the traditional good leadership to run the company anymore. Businesses need leaders who tend to evolve with the evolving market and make due changes in the company that the business could benefit from. The digital era demands a leader who knows the digital world well and knows how to make a company prosper in a digital environment. 


With the world going digital, every business needs to invest in digital transformation to match the level of competitors. By investing in digital marketing strategies, a company can reap prominent benefits that we highlighted in this article. An enterprise can easily cover the cost invested with increased sales and high website traffic. Therefore, whether it is a small business or a large business, digital marketing is essential for each of them to grab a better market share. 

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