Get 500+ Quality Backlinks for SEO: The 6 Smart Ways

Get 500+ Quality Backlinks for SEO

Backlinks are the highest-ranking factor for the websites to get organic traffic. Websites with quality backlinks are most preferable to Google. When Google crawler crawls your website, it particularly looks for your website’s backlinks, to know how pages are connected to each other.

Search engines recognize backlinks as a strong signal of the authority of your website. If you want a high-authority website and want to rank high in SERPs, then you need to build high-quality backlinks.

But, how to build the quality backlinks for your websiteIn this article, we are going to reveal the 6 smart techniques to build high-quality backlinks and top the search engine rankings like a pro.

Quality Backlinks for SEO

Lets’ dive deep in and know the strategies.

  • Guest Posting

Guest Posting is the ultimate way to get high-quality links from other websites. It is a popular link building method as it is a benefit for both the sites. By submitting content on other websites you can get your content in front of a new audience and can reach out to more people.

But some website owners have started taking advantage of this technique by publishing poor content just for the sake of links. To use guest posting tactics correctly, identify the websites to which you can contribute. One of the easiest ways of doing this is to know about your competitor’s guest post.

Use methods to search for guest posting sites like:

  • Industry + “write for us”
  • Industry + “submit”
  • Industry + “guest-post”

Here is an example of the marketing industry:

  • Backlink building from Infographics

Infographics are great for SEO. A captivating infographic can actually a great source of quality backlinks to your site. But how infographics are used to get quality backlinks?

Many businesses and websites hire designers to design infographics related to their content. Then they approach bloggers of the same niche to share their infographics on their website. If the request gets approved, the businesses get the quality backlink for their website.

You can also submit infographics to the infographics submission sites like, Infographic Journal, InfographicBee etc.

  • Syndicate Your Content on LinkedIn and Medium

Although, the links from websites like LinkedIn and Medium are nofollow links it doesn’t mean that they are useless. Nofollow links can also drive traffic and eventually lead to dofollow links.

With this concept, start syndicating your content on LinkedIn and Medium and expand your content to reach out to a new audience. If you write content on these platforms and add your link that will be more helpful in getting a quality backlink.

Replicate some of your content on these platforms and make your content reach a wider audience. Encourage others to share your content on social media networks.

  • Write Awesome and Engaging Blog Post

There is no secret that writing great content creates high-quality links for your site. If your content is valuable for the audience, you will receive backlinks. If you want to attract links and clicks on your site, you have to write high-value content on your site. Well-written and engaging blog posts are awesome.

Blog posts with a step-by-step guide and actionable tips give more opportunities to others to leverage your guidance for their benefits.

  • Broken link building

Broken link building is when a page points to another page that has been moved or deleted or show 404 error. Broken link building is a great method to generate high-quality backlink for your website.

But how to take advantage of these broken links for your website? It’s simple! Find the broken links of the relevant website of your niche. You can use tools like Check my links to find broken links.

Once you find them, contact the blog owner and inform them about the broken links. They will probably appreciate your efforts and you can pitch your relevant post to them and suggest for replacement.

  • Writing Testimonials and Product Reviews

Writing product reviews and testimonials for any powerful website cab generate high-quality backlink for your website. A lot of websites and businesses love showing off testimonials from the clients on their homepage or have a separate dedicated page for them.

This tactic can surely work if you spend time on research, writing reviews and then submit to the websites. Once you have written testimonials or product reviews let them know that they can include your testimonials on their page. In exchange for testimonial or reviews, you can ask them to link back to your website to get a quality backlink.

Link building is the most effective strategy to rank your website and drive more traffic. Strong and high-authority backlinks add credibility to your business. So, use these 6 smart ways to get 500+ quality backlinks on your site.

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